It is my pleasure to welcome you to my practice where I offer traditional osteopathic care. I have been working with Dr. Hiserote since April of 2021 where he has acted as my supervising physician. As a nurse practitioner and osteopathic practitioner, the convergence of my training and experience is quite unique - 30 years as a registered nurse in emergency medicine, 24 years as an advanced practice nurse (UCLA class of 2000) and 12 years as an osteopathic practitioner with comprehensive training from a 5 year program at the Canadian School of Osteopathy (didactic completed in 2014). Dr. Hiserote will continue to be my supervising physician and will be available for me to consult if needed.

To get you into the booking software system, please click the NEW PATIENT BUTTON at the bottom of any page.

My current rate for self-pay (pay at time of service) patients at initial visit is $250 for an hour-long appointment.

If you have any questions about my practice, please feel free to reach out. If interested, reviews can be found on Yelp or Google.

I look forward to meeting you and continuing with your osteopathic care.


Kathleen Brown FNP, DO-MP